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Bill Kellaris joined the Blazing Hope Ranch board as treasurer sensing God’s leading to become involved in seeing the vision for a life changing ministry based in Rhea County Tennessee come to fruition. He has known and served with founders David and Jolien Haggard for over a decade.


Born in Riverside, California, Bill has also lived in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee (where he made his home in Rhea County) and now in Virginia. Since graduating with a bachelor’s degree from Cornerstone University and a master’s degree from Michigan State University, Bill has spent over four decades serving in administrative roles at various Christian colleges and universities, including Patrick Henry College where he currently works as the Director of Financial Aid.  Bill has also served as Headmaster at Immanuel Christian School in northern Virginia and with Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission in Philadelphia, PA.

Active in his church, he is currently on the leadership team and leading a small group in Winchester, Virginia, where he lives with his wife of nearly 47 years, Juanita. They are the proud parents of two adult children and enthusiastic grandparents of three delightful children. Bill enjoys classic and collector cars, US history, reading, gardening, travel, and especially spoiling both his granddaughters!

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